The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner

I am an unapologetic hack writer, blogger, and poet, and an obsessive writer of classical music cd reviews at The circle photos below are some recent photos I've snapped.

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    1. Thanks for reminding me. I’m actually digitizing Part 2 today and should finish the book sometime this weekend. Great novella, but no audio anywhere online.

      1. I’m 37 now but as a kid probably 4-9 years old

        I used to listen to it on an audio cassette, I think it was my dads but as a little person I used to find it So funny they let me listen to it.

        Please let me have the link when you do as I would love to listen to the whole think especially as it’s his voice that I used to listen to 👌🏼

  1. How is this coming along,

    Looking forward to hearing the rest of the storey.

    Best regards

        1. Jamie, I finally got the rest digitized. You should be able to stream all of THE LONELINESS OF THE LONG-DISTANCE RUNNER right here.

          1. Good evening Thomas,

            sorry for the late reply I have listened to it multiple times now and I absolutely love it,

            every time I hear it reminds me of the first time I heard it as a kid.

            And now I have heard the ending 30 plus years later.

            I can’t thank you enough.

            Kind regards

  2. Thank you. The memories of this audio, like so many others, is a strong one. Listened to it as a kid.

    1. I’m glad you found the audio here. This is one of my favorite novellas of all time, a real masterpiece.

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