With four days left of the Dog Days of summer, the sight of a beautiful fountain is wonderful and refreshing.
Category: From the Desk of Tom Fasano
Posts about what I’ve been up to
My Bike is Back from the Shop
I got my bike back from the shop today and took it for a spin right away. The cardiologist this morning reviewed the results of the month-long heart monitor: atrial fibrillation (AFib). That explains the fluttering in my chest. No restrictions on exercise, so off I go.
My Real ID
I went to the DMV today and got my Real ID. I guess I’m keeping it real. (picture not me)
I Got My Bike Fixed
I finally got my bike to the repair shop. I was wearing a heart monitor for a month. Now it’s time to do some real cycling.
Weird Bike
Weird bike – I just can’t quite figure it out. It has a wooden storage box with the logo AUGIE’S COFFEE on the side, plus a kickstand, which I wish my bike had.
Gas Prices Are Not a Joke
This is not a joke.
Voting in Calilfornia
I love how easy it is to vote in California. They send everybody a ballot. You fill it out, then mail it or throw it in one of these drop boxes. Easy Peezy.
Memorial Day Cookout
A couple turkey burgers, some hotdogs, and carrots, and you’ve got a pretty good Memorial Day cookout.
Red Benches
A wild red bench I’m sitting on. In the shade of course.
Blood Moon
Tonight‘s blood moon eclipse taken with my cheap Nikon camera.