Sandy and I celebrated our silver wedding anniversary today. A lot of time has passed since then. People have passed away and moved away, but Sandy and I have stayed together. “We’re a good team,” I always remind her. A Silver Anniversary isn’t something everyone gets to celebrate, and this one we’ve cherished.
Category: From the Desk of Tom Fasano
Posts about what I’ve been up to
The Pfizer Booster
Getting the Pfizer booster shot because there’s no way I’m going to get this pestilence.
Always Coffee
Always enjoying a cup of coffee.
Homes in the Village
My morning walk past a few of my favorite homes in the ’hood. This particular home, which looks like a medical office, is actually the most expensive house in the Village.
Cooler Wet Air
A beautiful walk this morning in the cooler, wet air.
Beautiful Morning
Enjoying a beautiful morning.
Office Rearrangement
My desk and typewriter