I’m in the process or securing the use of the Claremont, CA, Helen Renwick Library to hold a type-in this May. For those who’ve done this sort of thing, organized them, etc., I have a few questions. The library wants a $60 fee as well as proof of 1,000,000 liability insurance, which can be purchased…
Category: Typewriters
A collection of typewriter posts
Surviving My America
I typed this post on a Montgomery Ward Signature 440T typewriter, similar to the one owned by the Unabomber
Boston’s Last Typewriter Store Closing
The last typewriter repair shop in Boston shuts its door.
The Typewriter’s Return
As a hack writer, I found this anrticle intriguing.
Micro Cassettes, Stamps, and a Swintec Typewriter
Typewriter Repair Shop Closing
Ruben Flores in his shop, U.S. Office Machines
Typewriter Series Poem #1
Currently listening to:
Repairing a Royal Safari Typewriter
I ventured out to Riverside under the sweltering summer sun to meet the Typewriter Musehimself, Bob Marshall.
A Tale of Three Underwoods
I recently contacted Bob Marshall at Typewriter Muse about these three parts machines I have. He showed an interest, so I told him I planned to be in Riverside later this month and would drop the machines by his shop. I’m always happy to put typewriters in the hands of people who can use them….
Paul Auster (1947-2024)
Paul Auster, a celebrated American author known for his love of typewriters, has died at 77. He gained fame for his “New York Trilogy” and was a notable figure in postmodernist fiction. Born in Newark, New Jersey, in 1947, Auster’s writing career began at the age of eight when he missed out on getting an…
Woodstock No. 5 Typewriter
My flagship typewriter: a Woodstock No. 5 from 1916. This WWI-era machine still works perfectly over a hundred years later. Amazing! A photo of this typewriter was published in a book called SHIFT HAPPENS, which can be ordered through this website — https://shifthappens.site The above photo is what will appear in the book.
100-Year-Old Woodstock Typewriter
My flagship typewriter: a Woodstock No. 5 from 1916. This WWI-era machine still works perfectly over a hundred years later. Amazing!
Thrift Store Find: Royal De Luxe Portable
As I sauntered into the musty thrift store, I didn’t expect to lay eyes on something so magnificent – a typewriter. Not just any typewriter, mind you, but a bona fide Royal De Luxe portable. The kind that’s beloved by typewriter connoisseurs worldwide. I had to have it. The price tag was a little steep,…
The Arean Wall
Here’s the printed proof of my sci-if novel, THE AREAN WALL, along with a favorite writing machine. The book will publish toward the end of the month. It’s not listed yet, but stay tuned.
My IBM Selectric III
This is a photo of Frank Sensenbrenner, an American politician who represented Wisconsin’s 5th congressional district in the United States House of Representatives from 1979 to 2021. He loves his IBM Selectric.