An old point-and-shoot film camera with an unreliable lens can deliver surprising results. This snapshot of the Laemmle Claremont 5 came from a roll I shot last year and just now developed.
Halloween Decorations in August
There are Halloween decorations in the grocery store already, and it’s not even Labor Day yet. I’m old enough to remember when we would wait for the season to celebrate the season.
Second Year of Retirement
Beginning my second year of retirement. Still happy not to be in the classroom. In some states, it’s downright scary being a teacher. That’s why so many have left the profession.
My Hermes 3000 Typewriter
It’s a safe bet most of my former students never typed on a word processor like this one. This Hermes 3000 is one of the finest typewriters ever manufactured. The Swiss engineers who designed this machine reached a level of perfection.
Dog Days of Summer
With four days left of the Dog Days of summer, the sight of a beautiful fountain is wonderful and refreshing.
My Bike is Back from the Shop
I got my bike back from the shop today and took it for a spin right away. The cardiologist this morning reviewed the results of the month-long heart monitor: atrial fibrillation (AFib). That explains the fluttering in my chest. No restrictions on exercise, so off I go.
My Real ID
I went to the DMV today and got my Real ID. I guess I’m keeping it real. (picture not me)
I Got My Bike Fixed
I finally got my bike to the repair shop. I was wearing a heart monitor for a month. Now it’s time to do some real cycling.
Weird Bike
Weird bike – I just can’t quite figure it out. It has a wooden storage box with the logo AUGIE’S COFFEE on the side, plus a kickstand, which I wish my bike had.
Gas Prices Are Not a Joke
This is not a joke.