In the dim glow of a fading afternoon, a window stands defiantly, blinds half-lifted, like the weary eyes of an old chef who’s seen it all. It bears a bold proclamation, “HELP WANTED” screaming in red and white – a call to arms for those brave enough to answer. Beneath, the details: “Linecook/ Dishwasher (Cocinero/…
Monster on My Back
The image captures a close-up of a man’s face, focusing primarily on his left eye which is accentuated by a pair of black-framed glasses. He wears a gray cap and has earphones plugged in. The man’s skin is lightly freckled, and there’s a hint of a smile or smirk playing on his lips. However, the…
3 Oct 23
I’m shooting more photos showing nature and civilization jammed against each other. Find my photographs on Flickr:
Ginkgo Tree Turning Colors
Yesterday I spotted this little ginkgo tree turning yellow — pretty early in the season. December is our autumn here in Southern California, the time when the leaves turn. It’s rare to see any color at all in September.
Photos This Week
a few snapshots around town
Halloween candy galore!
Halloween candy galore!
Stuffed Elephant
It’s not every day I’m greeted by a stuffed elephant.
My New Pork Pie Hat
My new pork pie hat.
Birthday Boy
Lonely Little Shopping Cart
Birthday Promises: a Store Run and Dinner
The Last Supper
I found Leonardo da Vinci‘s original painting of “The Last Supper” on the Pomona College freedom wall.
Woodstock No. 5 Typewriter
My flagship typewriter: a Woodstock No. 5 from 1916. This WWI-era machine still works perfectly over a hundred years later. Amazing! A photo of this typewriter was published in a book called SHIFT HAPPENS, which can be ordered through this website — The above photo is what will appear in the book.
Stained Glass Yard Fixture
Looks like some kind of stained glass display in this front yard.
Buick Riviera
These photographs showcase a classic Buick Riviera parked against a picturesque backdrop. The car, exuding vintage charm with its sleek body, gleaming paint, and distinctive rims, is from the mid-1960s, probably 1965. In the background, there’s a stately building with white pillars and large windows, framed by well-manicured lawns and towering trees. The scene evokes…
Privilege to Page: An Author’s Introspection
Well tie me to a cactus and call me Prickly Pete, it seems this Nick McDonell fella has ruffled some feathers with his new book that’s part memoir and part critique of the hoity-toity upper crust. Now I ain’t one to judge a book by its cover or a bloke by his bank account, but…