I’ve seen this guy around town a lot. This particular video is from last Friday when I made a trip to the Village to take in the preparations for that night’s annual lighting of the Christmas tree. It’s odd that one of the women approaching from the right puts money in his collection urn but doesn’t linger to soak in the tunes.

They were setting up for Santa in front of City Hall.
I loved the topiary nutcracker holding the presents, and when the woman walked by eating a pastry, I knew I had my shot.
I did not stay for the lighting of the Christmas tree, but I did capture this video of the city bus driving by the tree that the city lights up every first Friday in December.
How could I resist taking a snapshot of this huge Christmas ornament outside the Chamber of Commerce?
The American Clock Company is going out of business after many years of serving the community. It was the only place where I could get the battery replaced in my old watch. The guy who ran this old curiosity shop of clocks and timepieces also fixed my grandfather’s wall clock by installing a new battery-operated mechanism. This is one business that will be missed. When this guy walked by holding a bag of chips and a sandwich, I took the snap.

Our city’s Christmas tree is at the train depot. The lights are on but it’s not dark enough to show up.

In 1926 a recently opened letterpress shop in New York City named Spiral Press printed a book of poems for Frost. One of the owners of the press, Joseph Blumenthal, printed one of the poems as a Christmas card for his wife. Robert Frost loved the card and thus began a working relationship between Blumenthal and Frost and several woodcut artists and engravers.
Frost sent the cards out annually from 1934 to 1962. The last year they were mailed, the print run was over 17,000. Some of the cards ran up to 20 pages and included such well-known Frost poems as “The Gift Outright” and “The Wood-Pile.”
Examples of the cards from the Rauner Special Collections can be viewed here.
Dartmouth College’s Officce of Alumni Relations recently posted the following notice about the cards on their blog:
Dartmouth’s Rauner Special Collections Library has an extensive collection of the cards, including copies of the first-ever example—“Christmas Trees”—which was produced without Frost’s knowledge in 1929. Later, Frost expressed admiration for the card and he agreed to help produce them on an annual basis in 1934.
Rauner’s collection also includes cards with handwritten notes from Frost to librarians at Baker Library and other friends in Hanover. In 1951, Frost accompanied the “A Cabin in the Clearing” card with this note to Dartmouth bookstore employee Ruby Dagget: “in hopes that you will carry it like a lesson to your schoolhouse in the wilds of Vershire.” Vershire is a nearby town in Vermont.
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