Hi, folks. Tim Fasano here. The sun is setting on the winter solstice.
It is also the time of year where we celebrate the birth of the divine child and savior. Other civilizations throughout history have had a similar form of mythology: Horus in Egypt, Mithras in Persia.
All speak of a rebirth and a regeneration. All things that are born must die. All things that die will be reborn.
It is something central to human nature to tap into the mysterious and the universal. It is an archetype that seems to be consistent with all civilizations and all humanity. It’s okay in this modern world to believe in myths, to have strong belief in religion.
I mean, myth in the classical sense, not to step it on anybody’s religious sensibilities. It’s okay to believe. That is what makes us human.
I’ve seen this guy around town a lot. This particular video is from last Friday when I made a trip to the Village to take in the preparations for that night’s annual lighting of the Christmas tree. It’s odd that one of the women approaching from the right puts money in his collection urn but doesn’t linger to soak in the tunes.
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